Article by Xander Burnett

Last edited: Dec 9, 2021

So you want to make a pumpkin pie? This article is a guide to participating in the life and death of an average pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Pie

Where to start

The first thing you must do is create a pumpkin pie.

Gathering ingredients

The first step with making anything is gathering ingredients. You must acquire the following:

  • Medium PIE pumpkin
  • Pie crust
  • Large eggs
  • Brown sugar
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Ground ginger
  • Ground cloves
  • 2% milk
  • Whipped cream
Medium Pie Pumpkin

Gathering tools

Making a pumpkin pie also requires the following tools and devices:

  • 1 cup measuring cup
  • ¾ cup measuring cup
  • Teaspoon measure
  • ½ teaspoon measure
  • ¼ teaspoon measure
  • Microwave safe dish - which could contain your pumpkin
  • Microwave
  • Microwave cover
  • Large bowl
  • Large knife
  • Small knife
  • Large spoon
  • Masher
  • Oven
  • Whisk
  • Wire cooling rack

Now that you have all these required items you can begin making your pumpkin pie.

Making your pie

Making the filling

The pie filling is the most important part of a pie. To make pumpkin pie filling do the following steps in order.

  1. For later, preheat your oven to 425°.

  2. Cut your pumpkin in half using your large knife.

  3. Remove the seeds from the pumpkin halves.

  4. Place half of your pumpkin in the microwave-safe dish so that the cut side of the pumpkin is touching the bottom of the dish.

  5. Add water to the dish so that the water is one inch high in the dish.

  6. Place the dish in your microwave under a microwave cover.

  7. Microwave the dish on high for around 15-18 minutes.

  8. Remove the water from the dish.

  9. Wait for the pumpkin to be cool enough to handle.

  10. Scoop out the pulp inside the pumpkin.

  11. Use the masher to mash the pulp.

  12. Measure 1 and ¾ cup of mashed pulp.

  13. Put the measured pulp in the large bowl.

  14. Crack two large eggs into the large bowl.

  15. Pack brown sugar into the ¾ cup measure.

  16. Empty ¾ cup measure of brown sugar into the large bowl.

  17. Add one teaspoon of cinnamon into the large bowl.

  18. Measure half a teaspoon of salt into the large bowl.

  19. Measure half a teaspoon of ground ginger into the large bowl.

  20. Measure ¼ of a teaspoon of ground cloves into the large bowl.

  21. Mix the contents of the large bowl thoroughly until they are smooth.

  22. Simultaneously continue mixing and slowly add one cup of milk.

Baking the pie

Now that you have your pie filling, it is time to bake it in the pie crust. Do the following to bake the pie:

  1. Make sure your oven is at 425°.

  2. Pour the contents of the large bowl into your pie crust.

  3. Place pie crust in the oven carefully.

  4. Close the oven.

  5. Let the pie stay in the oven for 15 minutes.

  6. Open the oven.

  7. Observe the pie.

  8. Close the oven.

  9. Wait 40 minutes.

  10. Take the pie out of the oven.

  11. Insert your small knife into the cooked filling.

  12. Remove the knife gently.

  13. If the knife is clean then the pie is cooked.

  14. Otherwise, put the pie back in the oven and repeat steps 10 - 13 every 3 minutes until the pie is done.

  15. Place the pie on a wire rack.

Adding the filling to the crust

Participation in pie murder

Now that the pie has been created, you must bring the pie to a friend or family gathering to actively participate in the murder of the pie. Do the following to participate:

  1. Tell the pie the gathering will be fun, preferably in an ominous tone.

  2. Take the pie to a gathering.

  3. Borrow a small bowl from someone at the gathering.

  4. Fill the bowl with whipped cream.

  5. Insert spoon in the whipped cream scoop end first.

  6. Place the pie and the bowl on the food table.

  7. Make sure that exactly 89.252% of the pie is left.

  8. Give the pie leftovers to someone at the gathering.

  9. Leave.

The pie after you use the ominous tone

You have successfully murdered a pumpkin pie, congratulations.

This article was entirely based on this website.